BNHA Fantasy Bang

Art by: Celadon

Mod Team

Head & Art Mod
Mod Pluto
They/Them| 20s
if braincell is missing, please return to Al
Villain Deku Bang, Touble Makers Villain bang, and DarkWish!

Co-Head & Writer Mod
Mod Al
She/Her |23
braincell lost, if found please return to Pluto
Trouble Makers Villains bang( Head & Writer Mod) TDDK Reverse Bang (Writer & Beta Mod), Orgullo Zine (Beta Mod), and have participated in 16+ events!

Sunshine Mod Graphics Mod
Mod Sun
She/they | Late 20s
Human equivalent of a golden retriever that won’t stop staring at a weird bug on the wall, but the weird bug is the entirety of the LOV
Big Three Exchange (writer mod), Frozen Embers Zine (graphics mod), Creep: A Deku Zine (beta mod)

Social Media Mod
Mod Bacon 🖤🤍
They/Them | 20s
Stuck in a dabitenko brain rot
Trouble Makers Villain Bang (Social Media Mod), Creep: Deku Zine (Intern Mod)


  • The Mod Team is working hard to make this event a safe place that is as inclusive as possible. There will be ZERO tolerance for any form of Racism, Sexism, Ableism, Transphobia, and Homophobia that is targeted against other contributors. Similarly, as this is a fandom server, irl ranting is not permitted.

  • We do not tolerate the use of slurs. We understand heavy topics may include the use of slurs in the writing piece, but they will not be permitted in casual conversation and we ask that you limit the amount in sections you post to the server. For the purpose of this server while discussing Omegaverse we will enforce the use of slashes between a/b/o. Without the slash, it is a slur against Australia’s Aboriginal Peoples. A Mod will ask you to edit your message. An argument, or failure to do so will result in a strike and/or possible ban from the event.

  • General chats will be considered NSFW. If you do not wish/are not comfortable with NSFW content and discussions, please stay within SFW channels. Hardcore channels are not role restricted. Ultimately you will be responsible for your own experience and must self curate the content you engage with.

  • If you do not feel like you will be able to complete the bang, let a Mod know as soon as possible. Life gets in the way; there is no shame in needing to drop, but we also want to ensure that a pinch hitter can be arranged for the remaining partner.

  • No bashing or negativity about specific fandom events or people. If you want to gossip, go do it somewhere else.

  • You may not block mods on Discord, it inhibits our ability to communicate with you. All mods’ decisions are to be respected and if you cannot do this we will be handing out warnings. Don’t argue with mods. If a Mod sends you a DM, you will have up to 48hrs to respond. If a Mod can not get a hold of you after 48hrs, it will be assumed that you have dropped from the bang and you will be removed from the server.

  • Do not answer questions in #ask-a-mod if you are not a mod. Contributors answering questions in place of the mod team creates confusion and can lead to miscommunication. If you think you know the answer, you may discuss in #general.

  • Please keep conversations relevant to the channel's topic. If a conversation starts to drift a mod will kindly ask you to move to the appropriate channel.

  • Chapter fics do not have to be posted entirely on your assigned posting day; however, the fic must be completed up to the artist’s chosen scene.

  • Please do not post until the posting period. Discussions for your WIP in smaller/personal servers are fine, but we want your creation/s to be a surprise!


  • What is a Bang?

  • A bang is an event in which writers, artists, and betas work together to create new content centred around a shared theme. Unlike a zine, all contributors are welcomed, no matter their experience or ability.

  • What is a Reverse Bang?

  • Unlike a traditional bang, a reverse bang has artists submit concepts for writers to claim. Artists will be asked to submit:

  • The Main focus of their piece

  • Characters

  • Ships

  • Potential Tags

  • No sketch is required as claims will be done in a blind selection format. This gives artists of all abilities to have equal chances of pairing.

  • Content

  • All content is welcomed and encouraged. The server is designed to facilitate an environment that allows for open discussions, and it will be up to contributors to decide which content they engage with. However, we do ask that content be tagged appropriately.

  • Must have a fantasy theme. Which fantasy elements and how you define fantasy is completely up to you.

  • Acronyms

  • SFW- Safe for work. This content fits with General and Teen ratings.

  • NSFW- Not safe for work refers to content that is considered within the Explicit and Mature ratings. This is the default rating for all general chats and does not need to be spoilered.

  • Hardcore- Hardcore includes dark subject matter. Nothing is required to be spoilered in Hardcore channels and is ‘enter at your own discretion.’ Harassment about the types of content discussed and shared in these channels will not be tolerated.

  • Server Layout

  • The server follows an ‘open floor plan’ where all channels that are not role-specific (writers and artists) are viewable. Because of the 18+ age limit, all general chats are considered NSFW.

  • Requirements

  • Writers

  • - One fic that meets the minimum word count of 5k (there is no maximum)

  • - Completed up to the artist's chosen scene by the posting period

  • - Must credit your Artist and provide a link to their piece

  • - If you have a beta you must credit them. Failure to credit your assigned beta will result in your piece being removed from the bang collection and prevent it from being promoted on the bang's socials

  • - Fics must be tagged appropriately

  • - Fic must be added to the bang's Ao3 Collection. You are welcome to post on other sites, but please mention it's connection to FantasyBang2023

  • Artists

  • - Lined piece with flats or a colored sketch with a simple background

  • - Mention the fic and author in your post

  • non illustration pieces

  • - 1 Cover

  • - 1 Playlist with an hour of run time

  • - 1 Cosplay

  • - 3 Mood Boards

  • Other

  • For any questions not answered here please ask on our google question form!


  • Contributor Signups– Sept 1-30

  • Summary Submissions– Oct 7-12

  • Writers’ Selection– Oct 16-20

  • Matching process– Oct 21-28

  • Team Announcements– Oct 28-29

  • Creation Period–

  • 1st check-in: Dec 1-5

  • 2nd check-in: Jan 1-5

  • 3d check-in: Feb 1-5

  • Final check-in: Mar 1-5

  • Posting– Mar 20-28

  • Feedback form Mar 25-30